

  • Pyodide is a client-side Python implementation that runs in a web browser.

  • The Pyodide build of PyMuPDF is currently experimental.

Building a PyMuPDF wheel for Pyodide#

A PyMuPDF wheel for Pyodide can be built by running scripts/ with some environmental variable settings. This is regularly tested on Github by .github/workflows/test_pyodide.yml.

Here is an example of this, a single Linux command (to be run with the current directory set to a PyMuPDF checkout), that builds a Pyodide wheel:

inputs_sdist=0 \
inputs_PYMUPDF_SETUP_MUPDF_BUILD="git:--recursive --depth 1 --shallow-submodules --branch master" \
inputs_wheels_default=0 \
inputs_wheels_linux_pyodide=1 \
inputs_wheels_implementations=b \
./scripts/ build

This does the following (all inside Python venv’s):

  • Download (git clone and pip install) and customise a Pyodide build environment.

  • Download (git clone) the latest MuPDF.

  • Build MuPDF and PyMuPDF in the Pyodide build environment.

  • Create a wheel in dist/.

For more information, see the comments for functions build_pyodide_wheel() and pyodide_setup() in scripts/

Using a Pyodide wheel#

  • Upload the wheel (for example PyMuPDF/dist/PyMuPDF-1.24.2-cp311-cp311-emscripten_3_1_32_wasm32.whl) to a webserver which has been configured to allow Cross-origin resource sharing (

  • The wheel can be used in a Pyodide console running in a web browser, or a JupyterLite notebook running in a web browser.

  • In both these cases, one can use the following code to download the wheel (replace url with the URL of the uploaded wheel) and import it:

    import pyodide_js
    await pyodide_js.loadPackage(url)
    import fitz
    • Note that micropip.install() does not work, because of PyMuPDF’s use of shared libraries.

Loading a PDF document from a URL into PyMuPDF#

  • Pyodide browser console does not have generic network access, so for example urllib.request.urlopen(url) fails. But Pyodide has a built-in pyodide.http module that uses javascript internally, which one can use to download into a bytes instance, which can be used to create a PyMuPDF Document instance:

    import pyodide.http
    r = await pyodide.http.pyfetch('https://...')
    data = await r.bytes()
    doc = fitz.Document(stream=data)
  • It looks like this only works with https://, not http://.

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